Category: Edenville

Edenville is a passionate ministry outreach built upon caring for the Earth based on proper stewardship as written in Genesis 1:11 in the Bible. Team ASR invites you + your community to play a big role in continually making the planet an amazing place to live.

2000 Year Old Date Seeds.

By Milton Quintanilla | Contributor for – Farmers in Israel are growing fruit-bearing date trees using seeds dating back to biblical times. “We’re talking about the resurrection of 2000-year-old…

The Peacemakers.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9, NIV) While Putin’s war on Ukraine may rage an ocean away, skyrocketing gas prices have brought it…

Edenville. Faith Based Eco Activism.

Tension with Creation Christianity recognizes a tension that exists between humanity’s responsibility to care for God’s creation, and the human tendency to rebel against God. The main Christian churches have…